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user_documentation:administration:menus:albums:manage:edit_album [2013/11/27 12:00]
msakik [Information box]
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-====== Edit Album ====== 
-When editing an album there are many options and actions related to.\\ 
-Edit album can be achieved when browsing an album or clicking to edit an album from albums >> manage. 
-===== Properties tab ===== 
-==== Information box ====  
-The album representative is the thumbnail displayed on the main page (category.php) to represent the album. If there is no photo on the album and sub-albums nothing will be displayed until some photos are added or a representative is set manually. 
-If there are photos in the album, click **[refresh]** to find a new random album thumbnail from the album or any sub-album.\\ 
-Click on the thumbnail to jump to "edit photo" page and change any information. 
-The choice of a representative depends on the ''allow_random_representative'' configuration parameter (see ''include/[[config_default|config_default.inc.php]]'' for more information). 
-**Actions available** 
-  * **jump to album**: link to the site on this album.\\ 
-  * **manage album photos**: link to **[Photos » Batch Mananger]** with a filter for this album selected.\\ 
-  * **add photos**: link to **[Photos » Add]** with this album selected as upload.\\ 
-  * **manage sub-albums**: link to **[Albums » Manage » List]** with the current album selected.\\ 
-  * **delete album**: A confirmation is needed to delete an album. If deleted, all photos becomes orphan (no album associated) but none is removed. Orphans photos can be managed from **[Photos » Batch manager » Predefined filter » With no virtual album]**. 
-==== Properties box ==== 
-**Name**: rename the album (a virtual rename in case of a [[physical album]]). 
-**Description**: short text giving a general idea of the content, this text will be displayed at the bottom of the thumbnails page. 
-**Parent album**: if it is empty the album belongs to root. Choose a new parent album to move the current album. 
-**Lock**: if "yes", the current album and its sub-albums are unavailable for visitors. Only administrators can see locked albums. Unlocking an album also unlocks all parent albums but does not unlock sub-albums. 
-**Comments**: Authorize or not visitors to comment photos in this album. Sub-albums are not affected. 
-===== Photos sort order tab ===== 
-Enable change of photo order of the album. 
-  * **Use the default photo sort order**: The photos are ordered by it´s posted date, newer first. Default photo sort order is defined in the configuration file by two options: ''order_by_custom'' and ''order_by_inside_category_custom''. More description is available checking the ''[[include/config_default.inc.php]]'' file or activating the [[Local Files Editor]] plugin and displaying the reference file. 
-  * **Manual order**: When set to manual order, photos order can be changed by dragging and dropping anywhere. 
-  * **Automatic order**: Use some of pre defined orders for photos. There are many options to choose from, including date created, date posted, rating score*, visits*, and so on.\\ \\ (*)Warning: Be sure to test these sort orders by yourself as they can give unexpected results. 
-===== Permission tab ===== 
-This page permits control visitors access to album and sub-albums. 
-==== Access type box ==== 
-  * **public**: If the album is set to public, any visitor can see it and also all parent albums becomes public.\\ 
-  * **private**: If the album is set to private the **Groups and users box** is enabled to choose witch users can access this album. Making an album private, it´s sub-albums becomes private too. 
-==== Groups and users box ==== 
-If an album is set to **Private**, the Groups and users box is shown. It is possible to grant permissions for [[groups]] or individual users. Making an album private, it´s sub-albums becomes private too. To make sub-albums accessible, you may want to check the **[Apply to sub-albums]** checkbox to set permissions on all sub-albums simultaneously. If not, you can set permission individually later. 
-===== Notification tab ===== 
-Send an information email to group members 
-Group: Choose the recipient group of users to receipt the email. 
-Complementary mail content: Free text to send to them. 
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